I recently did a project for my friend Nicole Young to allow her to do some panning during a time-lapse sequence. This video is an overview of my approach to this problem. In the future, I plan to post some detailed, technical articles on my computer related blog, Skylark Software. These articles will be more about the electronics and software than the photography aspect, so I decided to post them there.
There has been some interest expressed by people wanting to know where to get one. If you are interested in me making one for you, e-mail me at turntable@hookedonlight.com and I'll put you on a list. If there is sufficient interest, I may possibly produce a batch of them for sale in the neighborhood of $200-$300 each. Anything made for sale will be significantly more polished than this rough cut proof-of-concept version.
Now, go see the results Nicole got on a recent trip to Moab.
How to photograph splashes every time!
4 years ago
Very cool work Harley. Love the DIY that you did, but can also see this put together into a smaller, self contained unit if you end up making some for others. Very impressive that you have the electronics know how to set up the board & motor interactions to make this work.
Harley: I would love to see a video of the turntable while it is working. Do you have such a thing? THANKS!
There is video of it working starting at about 3:20 in this video.
Is there something more specific you're interested in?
You never cease to amaze me. Awesome work. I'll bet your mind is crazy with application ideas.
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